Artist Residencies and Guest Artists

A wide diversity of aesthetic and cultural voices are essential to training.  Our Guest Artist Residencies strategically create space for important local and national artists to train and make work with our students.  Residencies have ranged from as short as two days to as long as seven weeks.

Recent Residencies

The department embraces theater and dance’s natural role as campus bridge and town hall, and regularly incorporates classes and faculty from a wide range of other academic departments in these residencies.  Recent campus partners for Guest Artist Residencies have included the Department of Math and Statistics and the Department of Criminology and Criminal Justice Studies.

Vanessa Sanchez leading a dance class
Vanessa Sanchez from La Mezcala teaches Pachuquísmo to a dance class. “Pachuquísmo is a multi-disciplinary, rhythmic performance that unveils a forgotten history of Mexican-American female youth and explores the struggles that communities of color continue to face today.”

Vanessa Sanchez poses with students in a dance class
Vanessa Sanchez posing with dance students.