Rulan Tangen

PE1 - Gymnasium
5:00 pm
Lecture: Eco Activism, Storytelling and Dance
Rulan Tangen's work explores movement as an expression of functional ritual for transformation, an embodied source of knowing, and an energetic connection with all relations – human and beyond. With an international dance career, Rulan has also been a dedicated teacher, sharing extensively in Native and inter-cultural communities across the Americas. Surviving cancer to discover her leadership purpose as Founding Artistic Director/Choreographer of DANCING EARTH, with a vision for inclusion she evolves a creative practice that explores intercultural diversity and ecological relations. Her mixed ancestral lineage includes Kampampangan / Pangasinan of Luzon Island in Pacific archipelago of the Philippines as well as Europe’s Norsk and Eire, and she has passionately cultivated successive generations of Native, mixed, and global Indigenous contemporary performing artists as cultural ambassadors and conduits for social change . She is the recipient of 2018-19 Kennedy Center Citizen Artist fellowship for Service, Justice, Freedom, Courage, and Gratitude - and is grateful for all that roots her, for the dreaming and doing of Dancing Earth: moving, shaking, swirling the world into renewal